

Welcome to my website! Here you will find portfolio projects as well as my own original blog.



A small exhibit that was installed in October 2023 for National Protect Your Hearing Month in the National Museum of Health and Medicine’s rotating exhibit space. Working with a small team, the concept was written, edited, designed and installed in less than four weeks. The exhibition was laid out in Illustrator to accurately demonstrate the sizes of the objects. As the project continued, many objects had to be cut due to size constraints. Even with our best measurements we ended up swapping the upper and lower shelves of the Hearing Testing case so that visitors could see the objects better. The teal color was chosen from the museum’s branding guidelines. In addition to creating the layout, I designed the labels, printed, and mounted them independently. The installation was a small team from the historical division and myself.

Brain Awareness Trophy Case

Brain Awareness Trophy Case

African Americans in Military Medicine

African Americans in Military Medicine