Social Media

The material here represents three years of social media experience. Some experience I have in social media includes a semester course in the GWU Museum Studies program. I also was behind the Juniata College Museum of Art Facebook page during my tenure as gallery manager. During my time at Historic Cold Spring Village (summer 2016) I also spearheaded their new YouTube channel. Though it has since been abandoned, I was behind all creative choices. 

#MSTDSM Instatakeover

This was an assigment for the Museums and Social Media Course at GWU. For this project we were given access to the MSTDSM Instagram page and were responsible for posts and a story. For this story I highlighted my five favorite objects at the National Museum of American History.

Juniata College Instatakeover

In the Spring of 2018, I was asked my my alma mater, to do an Instagram takeover. For this, I highlighted how my Juniata College experience prepared me both for graduate school and my career in the museum field.


Historic Cold Spring Village

Created the “Weekly Videos” for the village for the summer of 2016.


Historic Cold Spring Village Social Media Campaign

GWU Project


Below is a slideshow of a PowerPoint presentation I delivered to my Fall 2018 class on Museums and Social Media. In this project, I created a mock social media campaign for the Historic Cold Spring Village to promote their 45th Anniversary. In the project I suggest updating their collection of stock photographs, uploading to YouTube more frequently and creating a hashtag for visitors to contribute to the promotion.